(@ AMLaP 2018, Berlin)
Research Interests: Psycholinguistics, Linguistic Meaning, Cognitive Science of Language, Event Cognition
Journal Publications
Lee, S. H., Ji, Y., & Papafragou, A. (2024). Signatures of Individuation across Objects and Events. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. [link] [pdf]
Yousif, S., Lee, S. H., Sherman, B., & Papafragou, A. (2024). Event representation at the scale of ordinary experience. Cognition. [link] [pdf]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (2021). Does hitting the window break it? Investigating effects of discourse-level and verb-level information in guiding object state representations. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36(8). pp. 921-940. [link] [pdf]
Lee, H. (2016). The Syntax and Semantics of English Appositives. Studies in Modern Grammar, 86. pp. 71-95.
Conference Proceedings
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (2024). Object-Event Correspondences Across Languages. Proceedings of CogSci 2024.
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (2024). Event-General Conceptual Categories Organize Verb Semantics and Acquisition Cross-linguistically. Proceedings of CogSci 2024.
Lee, S. H., Ünal, E., & Papafragou, A. (2024). Forming Event Units in Language and Cognition: A Cross-linguistic Investigation. Proceedings of CogSci 2024.
Lee, S. H., Mangifesta, L, & Papafragou, A. (2023). Conceptual and linguistic factors affect entity processing and labeling. Proceedings of CogSci 2023. [link to pdf]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (2022). Mapping language onto mental representations of object locations in transfer-of-possession events: A visual-world study using webcam-based eye-tracking. Proceedings of Cogsci 2022. [pdf]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (2024). (Not) Shifting Together: An Experimental Investigation of Korean Anaphors and Subjective Predicates. Proceedings of the 39th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL). [pdf]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (2021). Consequences of evidential marking on the interpretation of subjective predicates: Experimental data from Korean. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 25. [link to pdf]
Lee, S. H. (2019). The Interpretation of the Comparison Class in Superlative and Comparative Predication. Proceedings of the 55th Chicago Linguistics Society. pp. 233-246. [pdf]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (2019). Semantic Decomposition of Verbs and the Processing and Production of Result States. Proceedings of the 55th Chicago Linguistics Society. pp. 247-258.
Lee, S. H. (2018). A Pragmatic Account of the Relative Readings in Korean Superlatives. Proceedings of the 25th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference. [pdf]
Lee, S. H. (2017). The Syntax of the not only…but also… Construction: A Linearization Account. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. [pdf]
Lee, S. H. (2022). Processing the Dynamicity of Events in Language. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Southern California. [pdf]
Conference Presentations
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (Jan. 2025). Conceptions of individuation in objects and events are shared across languages. Linguistic Society of America 2025 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H., *Paron, M., & Papafragou, A. (Jan. 2025). Conceptual and linguistic factors affect how leaerners name entities with non-canonical structure. Linguistic Society of America 2025 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, Anna. (Nov. 2024). Generalization of verb lexicalization biases reveals cross-domain event primitives crosslinguistically. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD). Boston, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H.; Papafragou, A.; Zacks, J.; Baldwin, D.; Wittenberg, E. (Jul. 2024). Advances in the Study of Event Cognition. CogSci 2024. Rotterdam, Netherlands. [Contributed Symposium]
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (Jul. 2024). Object-Event Correspondences Across Languages. CogSci 2024. Rotterdam, Netherlands. [talk]
Lee, S. H., Ünal, E., & Papafragou, A. (Jul. 2024). Forming Event Units in Language and Cognition: A Cross-linguistic Investigation. CogSci 2024. Rotterdam, Netherlands. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (Jul. 2024). Event-General Conceptual Categories Organize Verb Semantics and Acquisition Cross-linguistically. CogSci 2024. Rotterdam, Netherlands. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (Jun. 2024). Cross-domain event primitives are reflected in motion verb learning across languages. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM) 3. University of Pennsylvania, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (Jun. 2024). Conceptual Signatures of Atomicity Across Languages. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM) 3. University of Pennsylvania, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (May 2024). Cross-event lexical features are accessed in verb lexicalization. 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Papafragou, A. (Jan. 2024). Acquisition of Verb Lexicalization Biases across Spontaneous and Caused Motion. LSA 2024 Annual Meeting. New York City, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H., Mangifesta, Lea, & Papafragou, A. (July 2023). Conceptual and linguistic factors affect entity processing and labeling. CogSci 2023. Sydney, Australia. [poster]
Lee, S. H., Pintado-Urbanc, A., Papafragou, A., & Ünal, E. (July 2023). Event Units in Language and Cognition. CogSci 2023. Sydney, Australia. [poster]
Lee, S. H., Ji, Yue, & Papafragou, A. (July 2023). Structural Signatures of Individual Object and Event Units. CogSci 2023. Sydney, Australia. [poster]
Lee, S. H., Pintado-Urbanc, A., Papafragou, A., & Ünal, E. (Mar. 2023). Linguistic and cognitive event units across languages. 36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H., Mangifesta, L., Ji, Y., & Papafragou, A. (Mar. 2023). Labeling novel entities in mass-count and classifier languages. 36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H., Ji, Y., & Papafragou, A. (Jan. 2023). Linguistic and non-linguistic factors support entity construal and word learning. LSA 2023 Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H., Ji, Yue, & Papafragou, A. (Jan. 2023). Conceptual underpinnings of linguistic atomicity. LSA 2023 Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H., Pintado-Urbanc, A., Papafragou, A., & Ünal, E. (Jan. 2023). Segmenting events in language and cognition. LSA 2023 Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H., Ji, Y., & Papafragou, A. (Nov. 2022). Conceptual and linguistic factors affecting entity construal. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) 47. Boston, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (July 2022). Mapping language onto mental representations of object locations in transfer-of-possession events: A visual-world study using webcam-based eye-tracking. CogSci 2022. Toronto, Canada. [talk]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (May 2022). The role of grammatical cues in tracking object location in transfer-of-possession events: A visual-world eye-tracking study. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM) 2. University of Pennsylvania, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Mar. 2022). Where do you think the ball is?: Using webcam-based eye-tracking to investigate mental representations of object locations in transfer-of-possession events. 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP 2022). University of California, Santa Cruz. [plenary presentation (talk)]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Jan. 2022). Grammatical markers of temporal event structure interact with real-world event knowledge during event comprehension. LSA 2022 Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA. [talk; featured in Research Highlights in the media advisory]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Dec. 2021). Processing the dynamicity of events in language. 2021 LSK Young Scholar Symposium. [Awarded the Best Presentation Award]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Sep. 2021). Integrating Real-world Event Knowledge and Grammatical Aspect Information during Event Comprehension. AMLaP 2021. Université de Paris, France. [short talk]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Apr. 2021). (Not) shifting together: An experimental investigation of Korean anaphors and subjective predicates. The 39th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), University of Arizona, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Mar. 2021). Investigating perspective-sensitivity during the resolution of Korean anaphors. CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of Pennsylvania, USA. [short talk] [link to recording: I'm in Session #6 (Session on Pronoun Comprehension). I start talking at around 33:20)
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Sep. 2020). Real-world event knowledge modulates the use of tense cues in event comprehension. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM), University of Pennsylvania, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Sep. 2020). Does hitting a window break it?: Going beyond lexicalized event structure during sentence processing. Events and Event Structure at the Limits of Grammar, University of Oxford, UK. [talk] [link to talk video]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Sep. 2020). How many people agree? Evidentiality effects on opinions’ perceived generalizability. AMLaP 2020. University of Potsdam, Germany. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Sep. 2020). When evidentiality meets subjectivity: Generalizability of opinions. Sinn und Bedeutung 25, University College London (UCL) and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK. [talk] [link to talk video]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Mar. 2020). When tense cues matter and when they don’t: Processing object state change in activity events. CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, UMass-Amherst, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Oct. 2019). Topicality and tense effects in processing object state change in activity events. CAMP (California Meeting on Psycholinguistics) 2019. UC Santa Cruz, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (May 2019). Semantic Decomposition of Verbs and the Processing and Production of Result States. The Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. (May 2019). The Interpretation of the Comparison Class in Superlative and Comparative Predication. The Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, USA. [talk]
Kaiser, E. & Lee, S. H. (May 2019). On the generalizability of subjective opinions: Predicates of personal taste and multidimensionality. Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) 42, University of Oslo, Norway. [talk]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Mar. 2019). How do repeated result states fare in sentence comprehension and production? CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of Colorado Boulder, USA. [poster]
Kaiser, E & Lee, S. H. (Mar. 2019). Generalizing subjective opinions: evidence from two classes of perspectival adjectives. CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of Colorado Boulder, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Dec. 2018). Expecting and Mentioning Results: The Role of Contextual and Lexical Information. CAMP (California Meeting on Psycholinguistics) 2018. University of Southern California, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H. (Oct. 2018). The Interpretation of the Comparison Class in Degree Predication. CUSP (California Universities Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop) 11. UC Berkeley, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Sep. 2018). Processing Inferred Result States in Discourse. AMLaP 2018, Berlin, Germany. [poster]
Lee, S. H. & Kaiser, E. (Jul. 2018). Effects of Discourse Context in Processing the Ambiguity of Result Attainment. AMBIGO: Workshop on Ambiguity – Theory, Development, and Processing, University of Göttingen, Germany. [talk]
Lee, S. H. (Oct. 2017). The Unavailability of Superlative Movement out of Korean Nominal Phrases. 25th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, USA. [poster]
Lee, S. H. (Jul. 2017). The Syntax of the not only…but also… Construction: A Linearization Account. 24th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Kentucky, USA. [talk]
Lee, S. H. (Jul. 2015). On Korean -(u)lo Resultatives. ICKL (International Conference on Korean Linguistics) & Harvard-ISOKL (Harvard-International Symposium on Korean Linguistics) 2015, University of Chicago, USA. [talk]
Lee, H. (May 2015). On English Appositives and Afterthoughts: An HPSG Approach. The Linguistics Society of Korea/The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics, Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea. [talk]
Last updated Jan. 2025